Union Plus
Auto Buying

Save thousands on a new car or truck

Union members save an average of $3,470 off MSRP.* Let us help you with your next auto adventure.

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TruecarUnion Plus Auto buying discounts are powered by TrueCar®

Buy from home and save

The Union Plus Auto Buying Service is powered by TrueCar and can help you find the right new or used car or truck for your family. Search online for the car you want, then lock in your member savings with a real price that includes incentives, dealer discounts and fees.

Look for the Buy from Home badge to see which dealers offer vehicle delivery, remote paperwork and enhanced vehicle sanitization. Union families who use our service save an average of $3,470 off MSRP.*


More benefits for union members

Free research tools

Use the TrueCar Price Curve to see what others in your area paid for the same car.

Search from home

Search 1MM+ used cars or trucks nationwide.

Additional benefits

Get additional benefits that could be worth more than $2,000.**


$100 rebate when you buy a new union-made car

Get a $100 rebate on a new union-made car when you purchase using the Union Plus Member Auto Buying Service. Check out the 2020 union-made bestsellers.

  • Jeep Grand Cherokee
  • Ram 1500
  • Chevrolet Equinox
  • Ford F-150
  • Chevrolet Silverado
  • Ford Escape
  • Ford Explorer
  • Chevrolet Traverse
  • Jeep Wrangler
  • Chevrolet Malibu
Find a car


Your questions, answered.

Need help?

The Union Plus Member Advocacy Program, staffed by OPEIU Local 2 members, is here to help you resolve any problems. Contact us at 800-472-2005 (8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. ET, weekdays) or online.

Look what people are saying

Union Plus provides great opportunities and huge discounts! Who doesn't love discounts?

Ashley M. Union Member

What I’m so impressed by is the fact that Union Plus is providing benefits for and actually caring about hard working Americans.

Meesha T. AFT Member

Ready to save?

Just click the button below to search thousands of new and used cars and trucks from every major automaker.

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*Between 1/1/20 and 12/31/20, the average savings off MSRP experienced by consumers who connected with a TrueCar Certified Dealer through the Union Plus Auto Buying Service and who were identified as buying a new vehicle from that Certified Dealer was $3,470. Your actual savings may vary based on multiple factors, including the vehicle you select, region, dealer, and applicable vehicle-specific manufacturer incentives, which are subject to change. The MSRP is determined by the manufacturer and may not reflect the price at which vehicles are generally sold in the dealer's trade area, as many vehicles are sold below MSRP. Each dealer sets its own pricing. 
**Report the purchase of your new or used car from a Certified Dealer within 45 days and receive additional benefits that could be worth more than $2,000. Some benefits not available in NY or NH.  See site for details.