Union Plus
Car Rental

Save up to 25% when you rent a car

Need a car? Your next trip just got a lot cheaper. Get exclusive deals from 6 car rental companies.


Get extra savings and perks from loyalty programs

To get the most out of your car rental, join the loyalty programs of your favorite rental companies. Then return here to reserve your car through Union Plus.


Your questions, answered

Need help?

Contact your preferred rental car company at the numbers listed above and tell them you're a Union Plus member.

If you need additional help managing your Union Plus benefits, contact us at 800-472-2005 (8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. ET, weekdays).

Look what people are saying

I saved money when using a Union Plus Credit Card [Program] for car rental, while traveling!

Marie IATSE Member

Union Plus provides great opportunities and huge discounts! Who doesn't love discounts?

Ashley M. Union Member

What I’m so impressed by is the fact that Union Plus is providing benefits for and actually caring about hard working Americans.

Meesha T. AFT Member