Union Plus
Consumer Tips

How to Get Free Money for College

With college tuition continually on the rise, families are relying more than ever on financial aid to help with costs. That’s why Union Plus is offering union members and family members options like the Free College benefit and the Union Plus scholarship program. The Union Plus Free College Program partners with AFSCME and Eastern Gateway Community College to offer online courses and degree programs with no out-of-pocket cost to active or retired union members and their eligible family members.

How to Get Free Money for College

For the Free College benefit, students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  It is the form that the federal government, states, colleges and other organizations use to award financial aid. Even if you’re not planning on taking advantage of the Free College benefit, but you are considering other education plans, you should complete the form as it can help unlock many kinds of aid that colleges offer.

The good news is that the FAFSA is easier than ever to complete.  In the old days, it took hours of your time and reams of paper.  Now it’s as simple as completing an online form that can be done on your phone in less than 30 minutes.  Your tax information can be pulled directly from the IRS so you don’t have to track that down before you begin.

Go to fafsa.gov or download the app, called MyStudentAid, to get started.  You’ll first be required to set up a FSA ID, which is important so you can go back to the form if you need to update any information and to refile year after year.

If you have any trouble, you can always call your school for help or go to fafsa.gov for helpful FAQs.

Don’t delay!  Different states and colleges have different FAFSA deadlines.


Free College

Helping Union Families With the Cost of Education

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